IoT Solutions
for Healthcare

Catch Up with an Accelerating Opportunity

IoT healthcare solutions bring ground-breaking benefits to the table - both for the patient and the care teams. At CleverDev Software, we help global organizations lay the foundation to accelerate IoT medical adoption and unlock value at scale. Cut the costs of chronic disease management, uplift your patient care, and pave the way for more accessible telemedicine.

IoT Healthcare Solutions

Healthcare IoT Solutions

Internet of Things healthcare equips you with advanced technologies and tools to improve patient-doctor communication, facilitate disease management, and provide high-quality remote patient care.

Our services prioritize understanding your unique challenges and objectives, ensuring seamless integration of IoT solutions to drive impactful outcomes. From implementing advanced technology platforms to ongoing support and training, we're dedicated to optimizing workflows, enhancing patient engagement, and navigating the complexities of modern healthcare businesses.

Smart Hospitals
Vital Signs Monitors
Medication Trackers
Healthcare Analytics
Disease Management
Rehabilitation Programs
In-Home Care

The Architecture of IoHT Solutions for Your Business

Our developers ground your IoT healthcare software on robust, secure, and fully interoperable architectures that are fully customized or modified to integrate with existing systems

Sensing Layer

At this level, connected medical devices gather and send data to IoT applications and platforms. The device layer captures data from the outer world - from temperature and humidity - to be later converted into analysis-ready input.

Network Layer

This layer is responsible for connecting devices to the internet and providing communication between devices, enabling data exchange. As data communication standards vary, the network layer differs for each IoT architecture. The medium for data communication can be wireless or wire-based.

Cloud Platform

This architectural layer provides the tools for device management, data collection, and analysis. Cloud-first environments, such as AWS IoT healthcare architecture setup, offer secure, compliant, and cost-effective data processing and analysis along with easy sharing of insights with other internal systems.  

Application Layer

The application layer is the highest in the IoT stack and is responsible for enabling applications and end users to access IoT data and services. It provides a set of APIs and protocols that allow applications to securely connect to IoT devices and data.  


(with insurers, clearinghouses, and suppliers)

We also connect your IoT infrastructure with other workflows through industry-best solutions like EDI to API connector. This allows you to streamline data integration and adapt regulation-heavy workflows at scale for easier compliance management.  

IoT Healthcare Technology Stack

Our developers match your unique requirements with the most optimal IoT architecture for building an integrated ecosystem of connected medical devices.

Cloud Applications and Environments

Certified by the leading cloud providers, our cloud engineers bring in their deep expertise to set up a high-performing virtual environment for your IoT data. We create, migrate, and integrate cloud applications to collate sensor readings and process them in batches or in real-time.  

  • Building cloud applications from scratch
  • Managed cloud services and maintenance of cloud infrastructure
  • IoT and cloud consulting consulting
  • Microservices-based architecture development
  • A reactive architecture for cloud-based system engineering

Data Analysis and Visualization

Our developers help you make the most out of real-time data processing and transform raw data into more insightful dashboards. We create customized interfaces for easier data reporting based on time-tested tools, including DynamoDB, Apache Cassandra, Postgres, MongoDB, and others.  

  • Building custom reporting dashboards
  • Implementing BI tools
  • Optimizing BI systems
  • At-scale sensor data analysis

Complementary Mobile Applications

We amplify the value of your IoT ecosystem by connecting it with custom healthcare apps. This allows for easy and on-the-go data access and improved communication between doctors and patients.

  • IoT apps for patients
  • IoT applications for healthcare staff

Featured Projects

Generating billions of value for our customers by building transformative software products.

Our IoT Healthcare Software Development Process

From discovery to post-release, our team guides you in adopting an innovation mindset and embracing an end-to-end connected ecosystem with fewer costs.


Our technology strategists first shape a well-defined vision for a future product, identify dependencies, and create a roadmap to get you started on the connectivity setup.

  • Business case development
  • Consulting for strategy and solution planning
  • Choosing IoT protocols and standards
  • Selecting hardware types
  • IoMT software architecture design
  • Prototyping


Following calibrated Agile workflows, our team develops, tests, and deploys the first version of your IoT solution. We then elevate the scenario and transform it into a full-fledged ecosystem of connected devices.

  • UI development
  • Backend system development
  • Wireless communication protocols
  • Third-party integrations
  • Cloud development

Maintenance and Support

We provide ongoing software support for all our projects. Our support team delivers software updates and fixes, right-sizes your cloud architecture, and optimizes the costs of ownership.

  • Troubleshooting
  • Compliance and security management
  • Software feature update
  • Managed cloud services

Interested in IOMT Solution Pricing? 

Turn to our healthcare IT consultants to evaluate the possibility of loMT integration, with the aim of decreasing operational costs, enhancing patient care, and increasing medical staff efficiency. 

Get the Benefits of Healthcare IoT Solutions

Extend the limits of your services to new heights with our distinctive IoT healthcare solutions and develop a healthcare framework that benefits all.

  • Improved diagnosis and personalized treatment based on real-time patient data collection
  • Continuous monitoring of patient's conditions and support for remotely monitoring chronic diseases
  • Improving doctor response time via remote communication
  • Accessing comprehensive out-of-hospital medical care  
  • Detection of dangerous events and complications
  • Increased patient comfort and convenience  
  • Higher patient satisfaction and faster recovery times.
  • Accessibility of medical data to make informed treatment decisions
  • Built-in smart algorithms for intelligent diagnostics
  • Transparent and integrated claims management
  • Simultaneous reporting and monitoring
  • Automating healthcare and patient healthcare workflow through healthcare mobility
  • Real-time tracking and alerts in life-threatening situations
  • Safer and smarter hospitals and healthcare facilities
  • Geofencing security systems for automated monitoring of resources and prevention of thefts
  • Control of access to data and resources
  • Automatic or remote control of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning for more effective resource consumption
  • Preventive/predictive maintenance of medical equipment
  • Service line growth and extending physician’s reach
  • Competitive advantage in the market
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Advantages of Our IoMT Solutions

Set the scene for data-driven decision-making and unleash the full potential of healthcare IoT solutions with CleverDev Software.

Simplified diagnosing and earlier detection of diseases
Personalized healthcare monitoring within and outside the medical facility
Optimized operating costs and optimal asset utilization due to remote asset condition and location monitoring
Enhanced drug management and treatment adherence
Better visibility into the patient and administrative data
Automated and integrated workflows for easier management and compliance

Why Choose Us as Your IoT Development Hub

As a trusted IoT healthcare development company, we have a proven track record of delivering secure, reliable, and easily maintained systems for global organizations.

Ultimate Security

We put the security and integrity of your solution at the core of our tamper-proof architecture. We safeguard access to PHI through network access controls that ensure only authorized devices can communicate with the network in a secure and compliant manner. Our developers also guarantee end-to-end compliance with our solutions with HIPAA, FDA, HL7, DICOM, ISO 13485, and other requirements.

Integration with Your Digital Estate

Our software engineers connect your internal business systems into interoperable entities that can exchange, access, and understand the shared data. Our medical IoT development services comply with healthcare data exchange standards and optimize the operational efficiency of your staff.

On-Demand Scalability

Our developers set up scalability as a default capability of your system, enabling you to address evolving patient demand with fewer resources. Premising your solutions on cloud-first architecture, we reduce the costs of scalability and data processing, while also making critical insights readily accessible for decision-makers.

Fast Time to Market and Cost-Effective Innovation

Innovation doesn’t have to be expensive. At CleverDev Software, we follow an Agile-first development approach that promotes an impeccable quality of final deliverables and trims unnecessary spending on unviable features.

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How does healthcare benefit from IoT?

What can IoT do for healthcare?  

What is a smart healthcare system using IoT?

What is the difference between IoMT and IoHT?  

What is an IoT health monitoring system?

How to secure IoT in healthcare?  

How much does IoT software cost?  

How much does IoT infrastructure cost?  

What is an IoT health monitoring system?  

Let’s Transform Your Business

Get in touch with us, and we will gladly get back to you as soon as possible. If you need a professional team, CleverDev Software will be happy to assist you in making your vision a reality.
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