Top 11 Healthcare UI/UX Design Digital Trends

With all the significant transformations the healthcare industry is experiencing, you are probably wondering how to keep up with these advancements. Over the years, the growing integration of analysis, healthcare UI/UX, artificial intelligence, and 3D printing has redefined operations and care.

New trends like telemedicine and online consultations are gaining considerable attention. People increasingly rely on technology to book appointments, access reports, and manage their well-being. Wearable devices and the proliferation of wellness and diet apps are prime examples of how technology reshapes human life. This shift presents a unique opportunity for medical device UX design to play a crucial role in enhancing the effectiveness and accessibility of technologies.

UX Healthcare Trends

Crafting a platform that meets the needs of patients and providers is central to user-centric design principles. Consequently, staying ahead of the curve with innovative systems and application solutions requires a deep understanding of the latest novelties.

In this article, we will explore some of the most recent trends that can enhance application design, boost user satisfaction, and drive positive transformations in online systems.

What Is UX Design for Healthcare?

The primary objective of user experience in healthcare design is to create user-friendly and intuitive experiences for products and services. This field focuses on building online and physical interfaces that enhance accessibility, efficiency, and use in different environments.

In recent years, organizations have begun to acknowledge the essential role of user experience design in delivering value-based treatments. The main goal is to enhance the experience of clients, providers, and system users. Designers use various methods to tackle complex issues, develop suitable solutions, and collaborate with teams to implement those solutions.

Professionals evaluate technologies' usability, processes' effectiveness, and overall user satisfaction with experiences. In fact, the sector is one of the fastest-growing industries globally, with high stakes and significant potential. Under a moderate impact scenario, global AI software revenue is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 34.9%, reaching nearly $100 billion by 2025. This rapid growth has led to several trends in digital healthcare, each at different stages of maturity, many of which show substantial progress.

UX Trends in Healthcare

Why Do You Need UX in Healthcare?

Nowadays, statistics demonstrate rather impressive results of the industry's growth and movement. For instance, the global digital market is anticipated to exhibit an annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.16% from 2024 to 2028, leading to a projected market volume of $275 billion by 2028.

However, there is still a deficiency of services designed with a people-centered approach or design thinking. This delay in adopting a user-centered approach may prevent you from repairing all the benefits, such as increased revenue, customer loyalty, high efficiency, and many more. Below, we will discuss why adopting innovations is the best long-term investment for your business.

Easier Access to Information for Clients

Good UI design helps people manage their well-being and make informed care decisions. For example, the Mayo Clinic's Knowledge and Evaluation Research (KER) implemented Shared Decision-Making (SDM), which focuses on helping clinicians share information about various options and their consequences through decision aids during clinical encounters. Using a user-centered healthcare app development, these tools facilitate information sharing and discussing options, benefits, and drawbacks.

Reduced Errors and Improved Safety

Another advantage you can achieve is minimizing errors and enhancing system safety. You can increase customer retention by offering personalized medication reminders and interaction checkers to help users adhere to their medication schedules and avoid double-dosing.

Increased Customer Satisfaction and Engagement

A positive interaction increases client satisfaction and adherence to treatment recommendations. For instance, it provides user-friendly information and resources tailored to individual conditions. In turn, this helps individuals better understand their well-being and make informed decisions, boosting satisfaction and engagement.

Enhanced Diagnostic and Treatment Capabilities for Doctors and Nurses

UX trends in healthcare provide personnel with easy access to client data and clinical decision-support tools. Consequently, this enables them to quickly identify potential issues and make informed treatment decisions.

Improved Efficiency of Operations

Besides all the mentioned advantages, you can streamline operations, allowing providers to focus more on care and reducing costs. A well-designed appointment scheduling system can reduce wait times and enhance overall satisfaction. For example, the AmWell telehealth platform utilizes this approach to demonstrate a user-friendly interface for video consultations and secure messaging, facilitating convenient communication between clients and providers.

Optimized Costs

Finally, it is an excellent opportunity to decrease costs by improving efficiency and reducing errors. This leads to fewer complications, smoother operations for providers, and a reduced overall burden of rising expenses. By embracing a user-centered design approach, you can overcome challenges and deliver more effective, efficient, and satisfying care to all stakeholders.

UX Healthcare Trends

In modern times, the industry greatly benefits from integrating technology, specifically AI-powered. These enhance diagnostics, administrative tasks, and care by leveraging machine learning algorithms, predictive analytics, and natural language processing to make informed decisions and offer personalized treatments.

Let’s go through the list and review some of the most relevant digital trends in healthcare in 2024.

#1 AI-Powered Chatbots

AI has practical applications in chatbots, which offer personalized assistance, answer basic questions, and even triage patients. These chatbots simulate human-like conversations and provide accurate information using AI algorithms. Moreover, in hospital workflows, AI is automating repetitive tasks related to billing and administrative processes. This automation reduces the burden on staff and improves overall efficiency.

#2 Organ Care Technology & Bioprinting

3D printing is revolutionizing the market through the emerging trend of bioprinting, which involves creating 3D-printed human tissues and organs for transplantation and research. It can produce external prosthetics and orthopedic implants, aid in surgical planning, and even recreate human cells, bones, and organs.

Designing intuitive interfaces for bioprinters and their associated software is crucial for ensuring precise customization of organ structures. Addressing organ shortages can enhance the user experience for researchers and medical professionals and potentially save countless lives.

#3 Mental Health Technology

As awareness of mental health increases, numerous smartphone apps and online platforms have been developed to offer support. People can connect with professionals through a telepsychiatry interface, enabling secure and confidential communication. This approach with remote patient monitoring in healthcare provides comfort to individuals seeking therapy or counseling, making services more accessible and convenient.

#4 Vocal Biomarkers

Vocal biomarkers use voice analysis to detect and monitor health conditions. This innovative approach can identify early signs of illnesses such as Parkinson's, depression, and respiratory conditions. This data can then be transmitted to professionals for real-time assessment. Additionally, people may feel more comfortable asking questions and seeking information via voice, leading to improved experiences.

#5 Wearables and Self-Monitoring Apps

Wearable devices and remote patient monitoring automation have long been in demand. Fitness trackers and smartwatches help monitor heart rate, sleep patterns, and activity levels, providing instant feedback and motivation. Self-monitoring apps allow users to track diet, exercise, and medication, aiding in wellness goal management. This trend, emphasizing preventive care, is expected to continue growing.

#6 Digital Therapeutics

Digital therapeutics designed with intuitive user interfaces (UI) can effectively address various medical conditions by helping customers navigate and adhere to treatment plans. That is one of the many reasons the increased funding for digital therapeutics grew 134% from 2020, reaching $8.9 billion in 2021. These therapies may encompass cognitive behavioral therapy, medication adherence programs, or management protocols for chronic diseases. A user-friendly healthcare UI/UX design enhances client engagement and facilitates better treatment outcomes by making the therapeutic process more accessible and manageable.

#7 VR and AR

Virtual and augmented reality technologies can improve outcomes, enhance education, and transform treatment delivery. Augmented reality (AR) aids medical visualization by enabling physicians to see anatomical structures in real time during surgery or diagnostics. This facilitates learning and training in a simulated environment, enabling surgeons to practice advanced surgery risk-free, reduce a person’s anxiety, and improve procedural experiences.  

#8 Tools for Pets

The challenges for pets mirror those encountered by humans, prompting a demand for digital tools and EMR solutions to address them.

As a result, there has been an increase in the development of wearable and smart trackers designed for pets. These devices utilize AI and other advancements to detect pets' condition and real-time location. An example of such innovation is AI-powered collars like Invoxia’s Smart Dog Collar, which efficiently tracks pet metrics and location.

#9 Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT)

Non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) services help people overcome transportation barriers for medical care. These services provide dedicated taxis and rides for people who need to get to medical appointments. Creating easy-to-use booking platforms is important so clients can conveniently schedule rides. By including real-time tracking features, customers can oversee their transportation's arrival, which improves reliability and reduces wait times. It's also important to ensure accessibility for individuals with mobility challenges to improve the overall experience and service accessibility.

#10 Voice User Interfaces (VUIs)

Voice user interfaces (VUIs) serve as virtual assistants, allowing individuals to utilize voice commands to access services, receive coaching, and monitor their well-being from the comfort of their homes.

Additionally, VUIs offer a crucial accessibility feature for people with disabilities. They allow them to navigate applications and engage with professionals using voice interactions. This capability enhances inclusivity in services, ensuring that individuals with diverse needs can effectively manage their well-being and access necessary medical care through intuitive voice-controlled interfaces.

#11 Telemedicine

Telehealth has emerged as a pivotal trend over the past decade, enabling providers and doctors to maintain connectivity through videoconferencing, phone calls, and other means. With custom telehealth software, individuals with urgent treatment needs can easily connect or schedule doctor appointments and receive prescriptions remotely. The ease of using devices like smartphones and tablets is pivotal in optimizing the healthcare UX for applications. These mobile-friendly designs enable individuals to swiftly access medical information and efficiently utilize services.

Digital Healthcare Trends

Challenges of Medical UX Design

Designers face several challenges as they navigate the rapidly evolving digital healthcare trends. If you want to successfully navigate all the possible complications and ensure the best results, CleverDev Software is the right choice for you. We take care of all the crucial aspects and steps of development, providing only high-quality end-to-end healthcare software from our experienced developers. Here, we will discuss some of the primary difficulties that may appear.

Catering to a Diverse Range of Users

The industry involves various users, each with unique needs and expectations. Experts must balance the requirements of different groups—such as doctors and other stakeholders—while ensuring overall usability and satisfaction. This requires extensive research, user testing, and iterative processes to address the distinct needs of each group.

Regulatory Compliance and Security

The industry's stringent regulations and the necessity to protect sensitive information create significant barriers to adopting new technologies. Regulatory constraints can hinder the testing and validation of innovative solutions, making it challenging to incorporate user feedback. Additionally, finding time to test with medical professionals is difficult due to their demanding schedules and critical responsibilities.

Fragmented Systems and Disconnected Platforms

The market often relies on multiple systems, such as EMR integration, medical devices, and various applications. Different vendors frequently develop these systems and may not integrate seamlessly, leading to a disjointed user experience. Thus, experts must create interfaces that bridge these gaps and simplify user interactions to enhance efficiency.

Complex Workflows and Processes

Another aspect is that environments are characterized by intricate processes involving diverse stakeholders and complex tasks. It creates the problem of understanding and creating solutions for these multifaceted workflows. For instance, medication reconciliation in hospitals requires coordination among professionals, patients, and pharmacists, along with access to multiple sources of information. Understanding these processes and relationships is essential for effective design.

Long Development Times

The development of systems can be lengthy due to complex regulatory requirements, rigorous testing, and the involvement of multiple stakeholders. However, these factors are necessary to ensure that systems meet high safety, privacy, and standards and that they are slow to develop. To tackle these challenges, you can focus on user-centered design founded on UX design in healthcare principles. This approach involves profoundly understanding user needs to create more accessible, efficient, and inclusive systems.

Digital Trends in Healthcare

Our Checklist for High-Quality Healthcare UX Design

To successfully navigate UX design healthcare tasks, a team needs a solid combination of hard and soft skills. Some essential hard skills include proficiency in user research, wireframing, prototyping, tools, and front-end development basics. In addition to these technical skills, soft skills like communication, empathy, problem-solving, and collaboration are crucial for success in this field. Let's review some qualifications a professional team must possess to bring you favorable outcomes.

User Research

Conducting user research is crucial for improving the user experience for customers and providers. The insights gained from user research enable the creation of more user-friendly and helpful healthcare website development for both patients and clinicians.

Design Thinking

Design thinking is an approach to problem-solving that concentrates on developing user-centered solutions. It has the potential to significantly impact the industry by addressing various challenges, such as medication adherence, safety, and accessibility.


Prototyping is a crucial phase involving creating a preliminary product version to evaluate and refine its features. For example, prototyping enables experts to assess the usability directly with clients when creating a new medication adherence app. This iterative process of prototyping and gathering feedback is essential for developing a user-friendly and effective final product.

Data Visualization

One of the most crucial tasks for UX medical design is transforming intricate data into visually intuitive representations. Creating effective visualizations enables your team to extract actionable insights and aids stakeholders in swiftly comprehending and interpreting the findings.

Usability Testing

Usability testing is an essential step in the process that involves observing real users interacting with your designs and gathering feedback to enhance usability. One effective approach is to assemble a group of people, closely observe their navigation through your interface, and actively seek their opinions on elements that are working well and areas that require improvement. This can provide valuable insights into the user experience and help refine the platform to better meet their needs.

Data Analysis

The analysis can uncover valuable insights into app usage, such as identifying recurring patterns and digital healthcare market trends. This in-depth understanding can then be used to customize the app with personalized tips and reminders created to assist individuals in managing their conditions effectively.

Facilitating Communication Among Stakeholders

Engaging with professionals, administrators, IT teams, and customers is essential for understanding their diverse needs. You can facilitate communication through sprints, stakeholder interviews, and workshops and maintain open communication channels. This ensures a shared understanding and helps create a solution that enhances the experience while meeting business goals.


Storytelling can inspire and empower users to take positive actions regarding their well-being. For example, incorporating user testimonials and relatable scenarios in a psychological support app can engage users and demonstrate the app's value.

By mastering these skills, you'll be well-equipped to create impactful, user-centered designs that improve client and provider experience.

To Sum Up

The healthcare industry is undergoing a robust transformation with a growing demand for intuitive platforms catering to users' needs. Along the way, innovative transformation trends are emerging, such as integrating AI and machine learning, focusing on human-centered approaches, and developing user-friendly medical devices. These advancements shape the industry's future, aiming to improve your outcomes, reduce costs, and provide personalized experiences, ultimately boosting your company’s growth and success. If you seek a reliable medical UX partner, CleverDev Software is ready to assist you. Our expert team is ready to handle any product challenges. Contact us to develop impactful, user-centered solutions, and we will get back to you shortly.

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About the Author

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Artur Shah-Guseinov

Artur Shah-Guseinov

UX/UI Designer

Since 2015, Artur has been passionate about design and interface creation turning complex problems into simple, beautiful user experiences. With years of hands-on experience and collaboration with top designers and developers, Artur crafts intuitive interfaces that users love and that make a real impact.

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